Monday, June 23, 2014

Vitamin B and its Uses

Vitamin B and it's Uses
Hello everyone thank you for taking another look at this blog and making your health a priority in your life. This specific blog will focus on the use of vitamin- B and how it is very important. 
Referred to as vitamin B complex, the eight B vitamins — B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12 — play an important role in keeping our bodies running like well-oiled machines. These essential nutrients help convert our food into fuel, allowing us to stay energized throughout the day. While many of the following vitamins work in tandem, each has its own specific benefits — from promoting healthy skin and hair to preventing memory loss or migraines.
Image result for Almonds

B1 (Thiamine)

B1 helps the body make healthy new cells. It’s often called an anti-stress vitamin because of its ability to protect the immune system. When carbo-loading (either to prepare for a big race or just because pizza tastes that good), studies say this vitamin is necessary to help break down those simple carbohydrates.
Where do you get it from!! 
 Whole grains, peanuts, beans, spinach, kale, blackstrap molasses and wheat germ

B2 (Riboflavin)

This B vitamin works as an antioxidant to help fight free radicals (particles in the body that damage cells) and may prevent early aging and the development of heart disease. Riboflavin is also important for red blood cell production, which is necessary for transporting oxygen throughout the body. Several studies suggest B2 can help stave off migraines, but more research is needed to be sure. And be careful, while sunlight does the body good, ultraviolet light reduces the riboflavin content in food sources. Milk, for instance, is best purchased in opaque containers in order to keep this vitamin from breaking down.
Get it from: Almonds, wild rice, milk, yogurt, eggs, Brussels sprouts, spinach and soybeans

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B3 (Niacin)

One of the primary uses for niacin is to boost HDL cholesterol (i.e. the good cholesterol). And the higher a person’s HDL, the less bad cholesterol he or she will have in their blood. Vitamin B3 deficiency is very rare in developed countries, though alcoholism has been shown to lower B3 levels in some individuals. Niacin, used topically and ingested, has also been found to treat acne.
Sources include: Yeast, red meat, milk, eggs, beans and green vegetables

B5 (Pantothenic Acid)

Small amounts of vitamin B5 are found in just about every food group — its name even says so. Pantothenic comes from the Greek word pantothen meaning “from everywhere.” In addition to breaking down fats and carbs for energy, it’s responsible for the production of sex and stress-related hormones including testosterone. Studies show B5 also promotes healthy skin with the ability to reduce signs of skin aging such as redness and skin spots.
Get it from: Avocados, yogurt, eggs, meat and legumes

B6 (Pyridoxine)

Along with fellow B vitamins 12 and 9, B6 helps regulate levels of the amino acidhomocysteine (associated with heart disease). Pyridoxine is a major player in mood and sleep patterns because it helps the body produce serotonin, melatonin and norepinephrine, a stress hormone. Some studies suggest vitamin B6 can reduce inflammation for people with conditions like rheumatioid arthritis.
Get it from: Chicken, turkey, tuna, salmon, lentils, sunflower seeds, cheese, brown rice and carrots

Image result for Vitamin B from eggs

B7 (Biotin)

Because of its association with healthy hair, skin and nails, this B vitamin also goes by “the beauty vitamin.” It may help people with diabetes control high blood glucose levels, too. This B vitamin is especially important during pregnancy because it’s vital for normal growth of the baby.
Get it from: Barley, liver, yeast, pork, chicken, fish, potatoes, cauliflower, egg yolks and nuts

B9 (Folate)

You may have heard another name for B9 — folic acid — which is the synthetic form used in supplements and fortified foods like cereal and bread. Studies suggest folate may help keep depression at bay and prevent memory loss. This vitamin is also especially important for women who are pregnant since it supports the growth of the baby and prevents neurological birth defects.
Get it from: Dark leafy greens, asparagus, beets, salmon, root vegetables, milk, bulgur wheat and beans

B12 (Cobalamin)

This B vitamin is a total team player. Cobalamin works with vitamin B9 to produce red blood cells and help iron do its job: create the oxygen carrying protein, hemogloblin. Since vitamin B12 is only found in animal products, studies show higher rates of non-meat eaters with a deficiency. “But unless you are a strict vegan or vegetarian,” Zuckerbrot says, “it’s not hard to get enough of this vitamin in your diet.” For those who are deficient, it may be necessary to supplement the diet with B12.
Get it from: Fish, shellfish, dairy, eggs, beef and pork

Making sure you are getting all the valued vitamin B in your system through our foods is not always available that is why there are Vitamin Supplements that work very efficiently.

Here is a link that will take you to a website that has information on a very potent source of Vitamin B.

If you are needing more Vitamin B here is a reliable source you can trust for quality products. Click Below.

Thank you for taking a look at my blog,
 Feel free to Share and Like. If you liked this blog follow my other blog!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Does it work for Weight Loss?

Does it work for weight loss? 

   Hello again and welcome to my nutritional and fitness related blog! My name is Nathan Byrd a Certified Personal Trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine and I am here to talk to you about what works for weight and what doesn't.

1. Weight-Loss Supplements 
  Do weight loss supplements help with weight loss?
  First, take a look at your mindset and  expectations when entering into a weight loss journey. Ask yourself what are your realistic goals, and how long your are willing to take in order to accomplish those? When it comes to weight loss supplements public health studies have demonstrated that about 20% of drug related liver injuries that result in hospital visits can be attributed to dietary supplements. Many weight loss supplements can elevate heart rate causing hypertension and for those already experiencing blood pressure problems it is not a good idea to be taking such supplements. At this time FDA does not regulate any supplements that are on the marketplace. Investigations are made only if problems arise.
 Conclusion: Knowing your blood pressure and learning basic knowledge about the different products your taking is highly recommended. (USE WITH CAUTION)  Go with something more natural, that has no artificial enhancers or flavors added.

2. Intermittent Fasting 
  Does intermittent fasting help with weight loss?
One of the things that people think is "If I don't eat then I will lose weight". Seems about right, right? Not at all, we were given food for fuel to keep us active and to energize us when we need it. Your metabolism is so important and when you start to keep your body guessing when it's going to get food next there can be a point where your body starts to store more calories then necessary. Think about a starving child, when they see food they just scarf it down, not knowing when their next meal is going to be, which is exactly what your metabolism is thinking.
Conclusion: Eating a nutritious breakfast with around 30 grams of protein 30-40 grams of Carbs and 15-20 grams of fat is ideal to start your metabolism off. Obviously not everyday is perfect and we are constantly on the go so meal supplements or healthy snack bars are good alternatives. Intermittent fasting can work but it needs to be planned out and should not be a regular thing, once a week is good for weight loss. If you need directions on how to do so let me know.

3. Probiotics 
Do probiotics help with weight loss?
Probiotics are found in Greek  yogurt, milk and naturally within  our guts. Probiotics are important in helping with proper bowel movements and keeping our intestinal tract clean. Two recent studies in the British Journal of Nutrition and the other in the International Journal of Obesity found links to (same as or similar microorganisms found naturally in the gut) and weight loss. Through this research there has been proven to be a 5-8% decrease in overall visceral fat over a 12 week period.
Conclusions: Probiotics are not the magic bullet to fat loss but making sure your GI clean of any harmful bacteria is so important. Consuming Greek yogurt, and cottage cheese is a wonderful thing for your diets, containing high contents of proteins and probiotics.

4. Sugar Substitutes 
 Does sugar substitutes help with weight loss?
 The smell of those perfectly baked pies fresh out of the oven, the taste of warm brownies out of the oven. You can never seemed to get enough of them. But having general food knowledge will make you think twice about the decisions you take before digging these "tasty" foods. So lets break this down very easily for you. Organic sugar cane by itself can boost your insulin level when turns food into energy, if that energy is not used, it is stored into fat.
Conclusion: There are great benefits for sugar substitutes in certain settings, let me explain. When your just sitting around the house (not using your energy) a sugar substitute would be recommended in your drinks and to be used as a general sweetener. Now when it comes to after an exercise the best type of sugar to restore blood sugar levels would be pure organic sugar cane or honey. This immediately replaces the glucose lost during strenuous exercise bringing your back to homeostasis. Great overall!

5. Hot Exercise 
Is Hot Exercise helpful for weight loss?
It started with "Hot Yoga" then started to take root in hot weightlifting, hot cycling, and hot pilates. The more your sweating the harder your working, increasing your internal body heat is.
Conclusion: Yes increasing temperature does help with weight loss, but let me explain a few things you most know before thinking the only thing you need to do is increase the temperature of the room while exercising. So if you were to weigh yourself after a "hot" class you will have lost weight but water, knowing true weight loss is in body percentage of fat loss not the amount of water lost. Overall taking classes such as these help with weight loss just make sure to stay hydrated with a great electrolyte replacement.  

6. HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)
 For years there have been so many thoughts thrown around about low intensity workouts for a long period of time to maximize weight loss. While this may be true there are other forms of exercise that can maximize weight loss while maintaining muscle mass and not wearing your joints and ligaments out.
Conclusions: HIIT is critical for those who really want to lose weight, one huge benefit to HIIT is increased metabolism which is something we talked about in section 2. Just know this is all relative for your experience levels, age, physical limitations, and goals you have set. YES IT WORK!!!

I personally want to thank you for looking at this blog, It brings me great pleasure knowing that this can possibly help transform your life if taken and applied. Understanding health and nutrition can be a lifestyle not just a phase of life,  this is what people desperately need to understand during these times in America.

For More on the mental aspect of weight loss and staying motivated follow my self-development blog @

My Wife and I in Hawaii last in May! 
Life is what you make it! 

Saturday, June 7, 2014

5 Ways to Increase Metabolism

The oil in salmon help your body process foods more effectively. The omega3 in wild salmon help improve insulin sensitivity, which shrinks fat from your waistline. Wild salmon also activates the thyroid hormone for a faster metabolism.

When you drink coffee quarter of an hour before a workout, enabling you to train more intensely. Coffee stimulates adrenaline, which sends a order to your fat stores to burn fat. Advice; make it caffeinated and black.

Brazil Nuts:
Brazil Nuts containing high amounts of selenium (the enzyme most important) who plays a special role in controlling the effects of a thyroid hormone that helps us manage our fat metabolism.

Do not starve yourself:
If you eat too little, your body will break down valuable muscle tissue for energy. If you want to increase your metabolism and continue lose weight, eat enough so do not starve yourself. You must eat six smaller meals throughout the day.

Shortage of exercise:
When your muscles are working, your metabolism speeds up.. When you don’t exercise, fat can build up in your body and slow your metabolism. Regular exercise can boost your metabolism over the long term

Thank you so much for taking a look at my blog today I hope this valuable information is something you can take and implement into your daily diets. Because having the knowledge is one thing and the mental drive is another I have put together a link to help with your motivational as well. Just Click Here and it will take you there. 

Nathan L. Byrd 

Friday, June 6, 2014

The Importance of Protein


   Taking your body to its next level physically can be a daunting task, leaving you with unanswered questions on how to reach your goals.( Take a look at my other blog for mental strengthening) Through trial and error you will eventually find a formula for success and learn about the nutrients your body needs. I know it can be frustrating to never know exactly what foods you should consume, when to eat then, and how much?  Well, in this text you will learn about one of the three essential macro-nutrients our bodies need for everyday survival, Protein.

 Do you know how much  protein you should be consuming on a daily basis? Would you say you are fairly active or inactive? Well I'm here to help clarify some of the questions you may have that surface during any nutrition or fitness related conversation. Despite being active and having a consistent workout program or whether you are inactive, protein plays an optimal role in the assistance of rebuilding of your muscular structure.
  Our bodies musculature are made of proteins, put together into fine strands called myofibrils, that have been comprised of essential amino-acids and pep tide chains to form different bonds within our muscle tissue. Every time we exert energy our bodies contract its myofibrils and are constantly breaking and reforming bonds. This is exactly where protein comes in the picture, it helps to heal those broken bonds at a molecular level so our muscle will continue to be healthy and strong. Proteins are the only source of food that are continually being metabolized through our digestive system and are not stored for energy. Carbohydrates and Fats are the most important when it comes to energy, (which I will elaborate if interested).
Proteins are everywhere in our bodies, our nails, hair, skin and muscles and are found in different foods such as:
*chicken, steak, shrimp, fish, beef, eggs,
 *Lentil, Garbanzo,  black beans, pinto beans, kidney beans, and much more foods.

Meal Replacements
*Options Vary

The last topic I have here on this page is meal replacement. This is also a valid option to increasing your daily intake if you struggle like most of american's to get the required amount of protein in their body. It can be hard to have all your meals cooked and prepared for the entire week while your having to travel for work, take the kids here and there and many more activities that can distract you from your health.What many have found to work is to grab a snack bar, or a meal supplement shake. Making sure that you are munching on something that is beneficial to your body.  It is YOUR body, YOU only have one. Treat it with the respect it deserves!

Why should you listen to me?
*I am a Certified Personal Trainer through NASM
(National Academy of Sports Medicine)
* Successfully dieted and competed in two bodybuilding competitions. Winning 1st place in both and am currently a member of the INBA (International Natural Bodybuilding Association).
*I an the owner of
*Owner of NLB Nutrition the #1 Natural Supplement Company in the US.

If you click on the link below you will find the #1 Natural Supplement Company in the U.S. We have meal supplements and HEALTHY snack bars. Click Here for more info on my mental blog.
Nathan Byrd
NLB Nutrition

Falling in love with FOOD

  Food, the love of my life (besides my wife just in case she reads this). Food to me is so easy to write about, it encompasses everything. Food is everywhere we look, birthdays, sporting events, weddings, food tasting events, even food contests! As Americans we are some of the luckiest people in the world, to have the option of eating in excess. With the ability to eat anything, anywhere, anytime at a moments notice. Why can't we just keep eating whatever we want? What is this thing called portion control? 

  Honestly though, who thinks of portion control? The euphoria food can bring is an unmatched, unparalleled, one of kind feeling. I'm going to create a scenario, your in the movie theater, you open the door, and what do you immediately smell, Popcorn, it's overwhelming smell triggers our actions to give in, and indulge ourselves with one of the best tasting creations on this planet. "Don't forget extra butter" you say, me to its okay. Oh life, life with no regrets, a life where we can just enjoy whatever we want, just basking in the glory food can provide. A tool to calm our emotions and to help us relax from a long day at work. Alright so, you must be wondering why all this ranting and raving about food? Well, over the past few years I have taken a closer look at what food is and how it can be controlled as opposed to it controlling you. I took a stance, a declaration, to make better choices with my overall nutrition and help others do the same thing. What would all this  information I'm learning be good for if I didn't share it.
  As a society we are becoming more and more aware of the dangers and pitfalls of being malnourished. The fact is as a society we are overfed and under nourished. There must be a large shift in the direction that we take our youth as well as ourselves to further prevent being overweight. In this blog I won't go into detail about the negatives of being malnourished but just know, there are chronic illnesses that will plague your body and inhibit you to live life to the fullest. Food is great, it just has to fit within our daily recommended amounts and used as a tool, not an emotional stabilizer. Basic food knowledge will help you go a long way with changing you overall physique whether your goals are to maintain, gain, or lose. Below I'm going to give you three basics you should need to know to help with your goals.

1. Know what Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats are.
  These essential nutrients are called macros and are our main source of energy, pleasure, and life in general. When finding your BMR below you can use these macros and place them effectively into your diet by using a variety of percentages. Examples: BMR = 1,900 x1.5= 2,850. You then take and multiply 2850 to .40 or (40%) to find your suggested protein for the day. (just an example for a suggested protein macro percentage.) The same method can be used for carbohydrates and fat percentages.

Here is one of the most accurate calculations to find what your personal BMR is. What is BMR your ask? BMR is how many calories your body burns during the day if your were completely inactive. Well many of us are more active than lying on our beds all day, so I will provide you with the information you need to calculate when you are at different levels of activity.

The Mifflin- St Jeor calculation was developed in 1990 and is more realistic in today's setting.

Men: BMR=[9.99x weight (Kg)] +[6.25x height(cm)]-[4.92 x age(years)]+5
Women: BMR=[9.99x weight(kg)]+ [6.25x height(cm) -[4.92x age(years)]-16

After you have finished finding your BMR you take that and multiply it by either one of these numbers below depending on your activity level.

1.2 = Sedentary (Desk job, and Little Formal Exercise) 
1.3-1.4 = Lightly Active (Light daily activity AND light exercise 1-3 days a week) 
1.5-1.6 = Moderately Active (Moderately daily Activity & Moderate exercise 3-5 days a week) 
1.7-1.8 = Very Active (Physically demanding lifestyle & Hard exercise 6-7 days a week) 
1.9-2.2 = Extremely Active (Athlete in ENDURANCE training or VERY HARD physical job)

3. Know your time frame. 
This one is huge!!! There are so many people that will say, "I think I'm gonna get in better shape" two weeks later there still doing the same things, eating the same things, and even saying the same things. Know the time frame you are going to set for yourself in order to accomplish your goals. Make it realistic so your are not killing yourself and adding to much stress you quit, but hard enough to get you out of your comfort zone. 

  I wanna thank you for taking the time to look at my blog today! If you like what you see feel free to share and like on the side bar. You can also CLICK HERE to view my Motivational Blog as well!  I do this simply out of my passion to help others understand they were meant to be great and overcome there adversities. 

Nathan L. Byrd 
NLB Nutrition