Taking your body to its next level physically can be a daunting task, leaving you with unanswered questions on how to reach your goals.( Take a look at my other blog for mental strengthening) Through trial and error you will eventually find a formula for success and learn about the nutrients your body needs. I know it can be frustrating to never know exactly what foods you should consume, when to eat then, and how much? Well, in this text you will learn about one of the three essential macro-nutrients our bodies need for everyday survival, Protein.
Do you know how much protein you should be consuming on a daily basis? Would you say you are fairly active or inactive? Well I'm here to help clarify some of the questions you may have that surface during any nutrition or fitness related conversation. Despite being active and having a consistent workout program or whether you are inactive, protein plays an optimal role in the assistance of rebuilding of your muscular structure.
Our bodies musculature are made of proteins, put together into fine strands called myofibrils, that have been comprised of essential amino-acids and pep tide chains to form different bonds within our muscle tissue. Every time we exert energy our bodies contract its myofibrils and are constantly breaking and reforming bonds. This is exactly where protein comes in the picture, it helps to heal those broken bonds at a molecular level so our muscle will continue to be healthy and strong. Proteins are the only source of food that are continually being metabolized through our digestive system and are not stored for energy. Carbohydrates and Fats are the most important when it comes to energy, (which I will elaborate if interested).
Proteins are everywhere in our bodies, our nails, hair, skin and muscles and are found in different foods such as:
*chicken, steak, shrimp, fish, beef, eggs,
*Lentil, Garbanzo, black beans, pinto beans, kidney beans, and much more foods.
Meal Replacements
*Options Vary
The last topic I have here on this page is meal replacement. This is also a valid option to increasing your daily intake if you struggle like most of american's to get the required amount of protein in their body. It can be hard to have all your meals cooked and prepared for the entire week while your having to travel for work, take the kids here and there and many more activities that can distract you from your health.What many have found to work is to grab a snack bar, or a meal supplement shake. Making sure that you are munching on something that is beneficial to your body. It is YOUR body, YOU only have one. Treat it with the respect it deserves!
Why should you listen to me?
*I am a Certified Personal Trainer through NASM
(National Academy of Sports Medicine)
* Successfully dieted and competed in two bodybuilding competitions. Winning 1st place in both and am currently a member of the INBA (International Natural Bodybuilding Association).
*I an the owner of www.fitnessphene.com
*Owner of NLB Nutrition the #1 Natural Supplement Company in the US.
If you click on the link below you will find the #1 Natural Supplement Company in the U.S. We have meal supplements and HEALTHY snack bars. Click Here for more info on my mental blog.
Nathan Byrd
NLB Nutrition
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